Saturday, September 29, 2012

11 Weeks

Because the Arkansas football game isn't worth watching, and because I was supposed to 4 days ago, I figured I'd get the blog post done for Etta Mae's 11th week!  Once again, I can't find a pic from that day- Oops!  Here's one from another day just because she so cute!

I spent the week with Etta Mae and Monroe again.  They always keep me on my toes! My solution is to put them in straightjackets ;)

Saturday, my mom and Dave came to visit.  We went out to eat before Jason had to go to work.  Etta Mae did pretty well as long as she was being held.  That seems to be a new theme for her! We tried out the stroller without the car seat and took a walk to the mailbox.  She loves to be outside!

Smiling at Grammy!

Sunday, Jason went to Bentonville to pick up the frames we ordered from 2 Katie Designs for over the couch.  They turned out great!

She is almost big enough to sit in the Bumbo seat.  Her head control is great, but she tends to tip over to one side.

I will attempt to make sure my next post is on time, but no guarantees!  Now to drown my sorrows over the game...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Weeks - New Adventure

As it turns out, I have pictures for every day around the day Etta Mae turned 10 weeks old, but not that day!  So here's one from the day before.

She's up to all kinds of fun things these days!

Tummy Time
  • She still hasn't perfected her laugh, but is getting SO close
  • "Standing Up" is still her favorite thing to do
  • She is finally starting to respond when we talk to her by mimicking words like "ooooo"
  • She can usually be counted on to sleep from around 9:30 to between 5:30 and 7:00 am without waking up!
  • Naps are not quite so good.  Our 2 hour naps are pretty much non-existent and have been replaced with naps that last 1 hour tops
  • She has definitely found her hands and loves sucking on her fists which drives mommy a little crazy!
Ceiling fans are amazing!

Burping makes me sleepy!

This is way more entertaining than the football game on TV
The big news of the week is actually about me!  As the time to send our girls to daycare got closer, Rea and I both got emotional.  Not surprising at all! We started discussing some alternative options and out of those discussions we (and our dear husbands of course) decided that I would watch Etta Mae and Monroe while Rea is at work.  It is the perfect scenario for both of us.  And best of all, it really will force our girls to be BFFs :)  I have spent about two weeks watching them, and it's so fun to see them every day.  And I've loved getting to see Rea more often.  You can expect to see plenty of pics of both of them.  Here's a little sampling from the last week!
Monroe just happened to roll over when I took this making it look a little inappropriate!

We're hungry!!!

Rolling and tummy time action shot

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 9

9 Weeks - Shot day :(
I know, I know, I'm way behind on my blog post for the 9th week and tomorrow she will be 10 weeks!  But, I still just want to cover one week at a time, so this will be for September 4-10.

We spent Wednesday through Friday hanging out with Monroe and Rea's mom, Gina.  It was a great time, and we took lots of pictures.  We had some awesome models! They are going to best friends whether they like it or not!
Holding Hands

Jason had to work at the football game Saturday, so Rea and Gina were kind enough to babysit so I could take a shower and go to the grocery store.  Our cute girls had fun during their photo shoot!
Baby Legs!

We got home in plenty of time to watch the first of the games which shall not be discussed.  Etta Mae couldn't believe how awful it was!  She just couldn't stop watching!

Sunday was Etta Mae's 2 month birthday.  Here are some cute outtakes from the 2 month pictures.

Monday was probably one of the worst days of my life: the dreaded 2 month shots.  I have never heard my child scream like that.  It was heartbreaking.  I cried all the way home.  Just thinking about it makes me want to cry again and not take her back for the 4 month ones.  I don't know if I can take it again, but I want to be there for her.  The next day she got sick to her stomach and had a low grade fever :(  And her sleep was off for a few days.  It was awful!

Friday, September 7, 2012

8th Week

8 Weeks Old

We had so much fun at Grammy's last week!  Etta Mae had one little breakdown when we were eating lunch, but other than that she was her happy, smiley self! And the new floors look awesome!

We got home Friday night and on Saturday we watched our first Razorback football game!
Woo Pig Sooie!

Football is exhausting!

The next day, she was still inspired...

I must say that my sweet girl is pretty much a completely different baby than she was a couple of weeks ago.  Now, she is so happy and smiles all the time.  She is trying so hard laugh, but so far it just sounds like a cough.  It is so cute! Her new favorite thing to do is "stand up" on our legs.  She thinks it's so much fun!  And she's been sleeping pretty much through the night - yay!  Except for tonight of course. Time to put her back to sleep...