Sunday, December 16, 2012

5 Months Old

5 Months Old

Etta Mae is 5 months old!  I can't believe it.  It's amazing to think back at how much she has grown and changed.  Some days she just seems way too grown up!  Some new things that she is doing since my last blog:
  • She can now roll back to tummy in both directions.  I don't think it will be long before she can also go tummy to back.
  • She can sit up on her own for a few seconds at a time.  She is easily distracted, however, which often results in a face plant.
  • She is definitely learning about volume and realizing that she can be loud when she wants to.
  • She has suddenly decided that she is highly offended by having her faced wiped.  This has never been an issue until a few days ago.
  • Our sleep woes have continued into this month.  I'm hoping that they improve soon!
  • She has figured out that she can turn around in the jumperoo and is intentionally playing with most of the toys on it.

Until she started rolling, Etta Mae pretty much hated "tummy time". She has gotten much more used to and now spends a lot of time playing that way.  I'm hoping that maybe she'll start sleeping that way and it will help her stay asleep longer.

We also went to see Santa and look at the Lights of the Ozarks.  Etta Mae looked around the entire time and didn't seem to mind Santa.  In fact, she pulled his beard!

Last weekend, my mom came to visit and enjoyed looking at the tree with Etta Mae.

She spent lots of time just being her sweet, cute self!

And, as always, had a great time playing with Monroe.  They are almost starting to talk and interact with each other.  I look forward to hearing them jabber back and forth.

She did such a great job with her 5 month pictures, that I had trouble deciding which one I liked best.  Here are a couple of others that didn't make it as the "official" picture.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Catching Up

Clearly this weekly update thing is not working for me.  I get so far behind that I can't remember what happened during the week I'm supposed to be blogging about.  So, I'm just going to try to remember everything from my last post until now.  

Here is a recap of a few things that have been going on lately.

Etta Mae's 4 month sleep regression is in full swing.  I was so spoiled when she was sleeping through the night, but I knew there would probably come a time when that stopped.  Her sleep now is pretty unpredictable.  Luckily, she usually only wakes up once in the middle of the night. We bought "Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit" to help transition her out of the swaddle.  It has helped to make some naps longer, but night sleep is pretty much the same.  She does like that she can suck on her hands at night!  But, it looks pretty silly.

She has learned to suck her thumb, and does it often.  She hasn't figure out how to make a fist yet, though, so sometimes she pokes herself in the eye!

Samson is her new best friend!  She watches every move he makes and loves it when he licks her hands.

I was really not looking forward to Etta Mae's 4 month shots, but she did soooo much better than last time.  She only cried for a second (she was super grumpy the next few days, though).  At her appointment, the doctor said she looked perfect.  She was 15 pounds and 24.5 inches.

The day after her shots was Thanksgiving, so we headed to visit my dad and then my mom.  The shots made Etta Mae pretty grumpy all day, so we really didn't get any good pics of her Thanksgiving outfit.  This one was taken at the end of the day, and since I woke up at 4:30 that morning, I was looking a little ragged by the afternoon.

The weekend after Thanksgiving, we put up our tree!  I usually have a purple, teal, and silver theme, but decided to go with a more traditional decor this year.

Luckily, we got the tree up before all of these goodies arrived from Uncle Tyler!  Can someone say spoiled?

Yesterday, we also hit another milestone.  Etta Mae rolled over for the first time!  I was convinced that I would miss it and run to grab something then find her flipped over.  Luckily, I caught it on video. I feel so blessed to be able to be with her every day so that I can see all of the fun things she learns.

Here are a few pics of her just looking cute :)

Can you tell that I love leg warmers?!?!

And of course, she and Monroe have been doing lots of fun things too!
Coordinating Outfits

Taking a "bubble bath"

Competing for toys

Rolling into each other

Chatting about boys

Sunday, November 18, 2012

18 Weeks

18 Weeks - November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6th was my dad's birthday, and he was able to come visit on Wednesday.  He and Etta Mae had so much fun!

She also found her feet!  Her new favorite thing is to grab them.  All.The.Time.  It's pretty adorable!

My happy, happy baby!

Etta Mae's hair is starting to fill in some, and it is pretty funny.  She has some super long hairs and lots of short ones.  And it's so fluffy!  I think it's going to be blonde!

Hanging out with Monroe

We had Etta Mae's 3 month pictures taken awhile back and we got them back!  They are so cute!  A big thanks to Tonya Reeves Photography!  Here are a few of my favorites.